The Defense Secretary and South Staffordshire MP asserted Britain will even now be a power for 'harmony, solidness and security' from outside the EU, in the wake of leaving toward the finish of March.
Mr Williamson was talking at the Nelson Monument in Edinburgh to report the name of another frigate, the HMS Edinburgh, which will be based on the Clyde.
He stated: "England has constantly assumed a noteworthy job as far as safeguarding mainland Europe as well as bringing harmony and steadiness appropriate the world over.
"The foundation of safeguard for Europe and the North Atlantic isn't the European Union, it's Nato that is conveyed security in Europe throughout the previous 69 years and that is something that Britain leads in.
"We're completely vital to bringing that strength. We're the greatest financial specialist in our military of any country in Europe, we are Europe's military superpower and it's Britain's job in bringing that security.
"It's not just about making Britain more secure, it's creation the entire of mainland Europe more secure too, yet that is done through Nato.
"We will be proceeding to put increasingly in safeguard throughout the following couple of years and this is something I feel that everybody perceives is extremely vital."
Mr Williamson additionally said he trusts Theresa May's Brexit arrangement will pass when it is put to a vote in the House of Commons on December 11, regardless of around 66% of MPs demonstrating they will cast a ballot it down.